From the park in Lourve museum, I ventured out to the streets of Paris, with one aim of Eiffel Tower in mind. My first practice of 'pouvez-vous m'aider' was with an old helpful couple here. 'Je veux aller à la Tour Eiffel'. Then, I got lots and lots of reply that I could only understand the finger pointing direction. 
Merci merci, I said repeatedly. I followed the direction and went through this arch.
Not far, a bridge was waiting for me. Cars, buses, bicycles and people cross this bridge as well.
At the other end, I searched around for direction. My destination wasn't far but my challenge was great. Look at these buildings...
Look at those buildings...
And these buildings... see carefully...
What can you see?
Same colour, same height, same design, very neatly arranged
... and that's the challenge.
I walked fast and walked continuously towards my direction. Then, I learnt that I had to avoid the corners.
Nope.. not the rubbish bag. Notice the wet 'thingy' on the wall and floor?
That's the mark of canine's territory. Ah ha..
I was attracted to ancient door in most of the building here. As much as possible, the original architecture and fixtures were very well maintained. Impressive! Living museum here.
Don't get me wrong. Not all the buildings are old. Many are new and famous too.
Familiar with this?
You can also find Coco, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and many many more.
It wasn't at all tired to walk here. Of course...
Finally, à la Tour Eiffel was seen. What a relief. I love Paris.